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Video Games and Digital Nostalgia

I was watching Garth Marenghi's Darkplace with Charles and the conversation turned from cheesy 1980s television to cheesy 1980s video games.

We talked about the horrible games that get reviewed by the Angry Video Game Nerd like Ghostbusters and Jaws. Ghostbusters was one of the first games we rented when we begain our Nintendo adventure as children. Ghostbusters is also one of the most disappointing games that I ever played (I never owned an Atari, so I never played E.T.). I've never gotten past the part where you need to drive to the store to buy ghost busting equipment. Watching the Angry Video Game Nerd review the game, was painfully nostalgic for me. Especially because he actually found a part of the game that involved busting ghosts. Something that I have never seen.

The world of 8-bit Nintendo games was very dangerous for a child. When your parents took you to rent a video game, it was important that you study the box art carefully or else you could spend the next 3-5 days with Ghostbusters. A game where you drive to a store. You also needed to pay attention to friends and video game magazines because a game like Duck Tales may sound like a horrible game, but it was actually quite fun.

More entertaining Angry Video Game Nerd reviews are available at

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