Google Reader



Digsby has replaced Pidgin as my favorite IM client (on Windows, at least). It does a lot of things right. Each update seems to bring some useful improvements. Apparently, I can put a widget on this blog, as well as my FaceSpace, and any Internet user can start typing at me in seconds. Wow! Thanks Internet!

One of my favorite features of Digsby is the pop up notifications that you can type in.

That's right. You can type inside the pop up notification to respond to a new IM and then it fades away and you can continue doing what you're doing without any complicated clicking and mashing.


The Garfield Situation

In case you're not aware, the Garfield Meme is growing out of control.

First there was the Garfield Randomizer, then Garfield without Garfield, then Realfield, then Garfield Minus Garfield and now there is Lasagna Cat.

Jake says that Realfield reminds him of Scrawncho's cat and Garfield Minus Garfield reminds him of himself. I agree.

This one is close to my heart:


XKCD Ball Pit

I saw this on a friend's shared items on Google Reader:

The links to's ball pit make me glad that I use their service:

I am really enjoying Google Reader. Especially the keyboard commands. I press "?" every time I need to learn more shortcuts. I need more shared items to read, so start using it and share your feeds with me.


Social Sea Shells By The Sea Shore

I signed up for a bunch of online social services, so I thought I'd just make a list of ways that you can find me on the web and you can contact me if you want to befriend me in other virtual spaces.

I started using Flock as my browser for Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr and all things social. Flock seems like a good browser for what it's made to do, but it could never replace Firefox as my browser of choice. Anyway, here are some services that you can interact with me on:

Google Reader
This is a really good RSS reader. It recently replaced WizzRSS as my way of navigating feeds. It has many cool features, such as simple keyboard shortcuts to navigate through your feeds (Just type "?" while using it to see them). Also, anyone that you have chatted with through Google Chat can see items that you "share." There's a really good overview of what you can do with Google Reader on episode 217 of DL.TV at 6 minutes into the video.
Keeps track of what I listen to. Really useful when my music hard drive died so I know what is my highest priority of recovery.

Xbox Live

Things that I don't use as much:

Instant Messaging:
Google Chat

Yahoo, MSN, ICQ (I barely ever use these three)

Anyway, if you use any of the above, send me an email and I'll give you all my contact info. If you don't use any of the above, why not try them?



Currently listening :
Make Sure They See My Face
By Kenna
Release date: 16 October, 2007

Fear and Loathing in Hyrule

from Boing Boing TV



Sinbad is awesome. Here is a video of him talking about VMWare on the Mac. VMWare could't buy that kind of publicity. It would be awesome if Sinbad was a software spokesman.

Also, for the 11th straight year, Arnold failed to win an Oscar for his work in Jingle All The Way. This madness has got to stop.


Shifting Through Parallel Universes

Shift is awesome little flash game. If you loved Portal, than you owe it to yourself to check this out and if you ever played Super Mario World on the SNES, then you may want to keep reading.

Apparently, a Japanese genius used some tools to rearrange the levels of Super Mario World to make it the most evil and difficult game to ever exist. There is a series of videos on YouTube called "Asshole Mario," which is shorter than the actual Japanese translation of: "Making my Friend Play Through My Own Mario Hack"

I've tried to provide a link to all the videos in order. For the sake of time, you only need to view about 1-2 minutes of one of the videos to get the idea. It really is best to watch these in full with another person in the room. I have yet to watch them all, but I went through the trouble of linking them all so I can easily watch them some day in the future. Even with friends, we were only able to watch the first 3 before it was just too much to handle.

Asshole Mario
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
Stage 7
Stage 8
Stage 9
Stage 10
Stage 11
Stage 12
Stage End

Asshole Mario Returns
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
Stage 7
Stage 8
Stage 9
Stage 10
Stage End

It was especially entertaining to watch this with a group of friends while consuming alcohol. The girls at the party weren't interested in the video, but they did find it amusing that, every 30 seconds or so, all the guys would make loud exclamations of pain, disbelief and laughter.

So here is where it gets good. Some guy recorded 134 playthroughs and merged them together as one.


There is detailed explanation of what is going on available here, which also includes a really awesome philosophical description of physics.

And after reading the description of quantum physics, you can browse through the fail blog to get an idea of the massive amount of failures existing in potential universes.



Tim and Eric Super Tuesday

As everyone knows, you can watch Tim and Eric Nite Live every Tuesday, but what you didn't know was that yesterday's episode was super.

That's right, it was a Super Tuesday spectacular. They provided in depth coverage of the candidates that you won't see on cable news. Who wins the big debate? Is it Bob Bop Perono or Bill Clinton? To find out, you have to spend 15 minutes of your precious time watching the full episode linked below this sentence.

Also, episode 7 features some awesome HD technology.
