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If you've made the horrible mistake of watching the movie Juno, then you should read this.

I had to respond to Milkman Dan's comments in this post because I really want to embed this hilarious video that he linked.

Juno is worth watching if you're a Michael Cera fan, but he doesn't have a huge role in the film. I would guess that he is in the movie only fifteen percent of the time, but he provides more than fifty percent of the funny. That math doesn't lie.

The problem with Juno is that the dialogue is so pretentious that it's distracting. The main character has all these contrivances that she makes an effort to display, yet act casual about. A good example is the famous hamburger phone scene, where she casually brings up the fact that she's using a novelty phone while scheduling an abortion. How wacky! It's not that my belief is suspended, because I'm sure there are more pretentious people than her in existence, but it's god damn annoying. I wouldn't want to spend more than an hour watching them without Michael Nelson providing commentary.

The deciding factor on how many stars to give this movie was the terrible music. This movie suffers from the same problem as The Darjeeling Unlimited. It unrelentingly assaults the viewer with horrible music. The movie plays multiple, full-track songs from horrible indie bands and edits the scenes to be longer so as to torture impress the audience with how indie it is. When you watch this movie, you're going to want a mute button handy.


milkman said...

Was it really all that bad? I haven't yet seen it.

I try to give Michael Cera the benefit of the doubt after he made this.

Ryan de Burque said...
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Ryan de Burque said...

I had to respond in the post itself because that video is too good.

Have you seen this?

milkman said...

Oh fantastic.

Natalie N. Niemi said...

That Juno re-write...are you sure we didn't write that???