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Concert Review

I just saw Clutch, one of my favorite bands, put on an amazing show. Despite playing at a venue which is renown for having the worst sound in town, the sound was pretty damn amazing. I don't know if it was the sound guy or just Niel Fallon's booming voice, but somehow everything worked out well; everything, except for the audience.

I've come to expect horrible people at certain concerts; especially at Tool concerts, where some of the world's dumbest humans go to find mates. I was really surprised, though, to find that the homoretardus genus also used Clutch's music to perform their mating dance of running into a crowd of people who have their backs turned because they're trying to enjoy a show that they paid good money to see, god damnit.

Elza claimed to have witnessed three fights and he is a man of his word. What the fuck? There were tons of tiny angry men at this show. The kind of tiny angry men that are as wide as they are tall. The kind of tiny men that stare at the mirror in an orgasmic trance as they do reps at the gym. Not that there is anything wrong with that, tiny angry man who stumbled on this blog by accident. Everyone is really impressed at your ability to knock people over when you come up from behind them like a tiny battering ram. This is the yahoo search result you were looking for. Thanks for stopping by.

So, besides the fact that idiots exist, I am very satisfied with my musical entertainment of the evening.

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