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Misleading Article

The Ryan Niemi Journal (I refuse to provide a link to the original article because they don't deserve the ad revenue) has a story right now that is very misleading. Apparently, they have gotten a hold of my game playing history (thank you, Microsoft) and have made a mountain out of a mole hill.

They have posted the amount of time I have spent playing a certain video game in which the objective is to capture, torture and murder apes. They didn't mention that almost half the time logged was from other people playing it on my Xbox Live account during RNC board meetings.

Just because I play violent ape killing video games doesn't mean I hate all apes. Ape-Rape 3: Zoo Raid is a very good game with some great writing and excellent physics. I mean, just because I play Call of Duty 2 doesn't mean I hate all Nazis. Just the bad ones.

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