Google Reader


Incredible Little HTML File

I don't know much about this whole GTD craze that seems to be going
on, but somehow I got drawn into and and
other obsessive places. And they had a link to this little guy:

It's an Wiki html file that you save on your computer and can edit
very quickly. A self-contained wiki site!

Here's some tips on using it:

I just started moving all my personal information from an ugly
intranet site that I made to quickly access junk passwords and "GTD"
lists. It is so much easier to update info on TiddlyWIki than it was
to edit the html pages with a web design program or notepad.

It's slightly amusing (to myself, at least) that I installed apache,
perl and a wiki program on my pc a couple days ago so that I wouldn't
need to edit the html anymore. Before I could finish moving my
personal data onto the more processor intensive wiki, I stumbled on
this great alternative. Praise the lord!


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